Industrial Property rights hhave an increasingly strategic importance. The Saglietti Bianco law practice is also a consulting firm specialising in intellectual property law and offers its clients competent and comprehensive assistance on all aspects of industrial property law, and in particular in the following areas: assistance on all aspects of industrial property, law, and in particular in the following areas:
TRADEMARKS, DESIGNS, PATENTS, INTERNET (DOMAIN NAMES), RESEARCH & SURVEILLANCE, CONTRACTS combined with a significant international focus and the containment of the associated costs.
In order to ensure the highest quality standards, the team of the law firm consists of professionals of different mother tongues and with extensive legal backgrounds, offering not only support with national matters, but also with European and international ones.
Our consultants are professional representatives before the following national and regional Patent and Trademark Offices:
- Italian Patents and Trademarks Office (UIBM)
- European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
- Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (INPI)
- Das Deutsche Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA)
- European Patent Office (EPO)
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)